Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Easing my way back in...

This is my way of easing my way back into blogging ; I present to you this gorgeous birdbath full of bluebirds!  I have been under the weather...don't you love that saying? More accurately, I have been under "bad" weather. How many of you out there have fallen victim to the overly zealous flu bug going around?? I will spare you the details but can tell you that by taking the homeopathic remedy oscillococcinum at the first sign of said flu, I cut my down-time in half...and stayed on my feet. I don't believe in taking flu shots, instead I use this flu remedy exclusively. I discovered, what I now affectionately call "Big O",  at a pharmacy on one of our student tours of Europe; I kept seeing large glass bowls of the stuff parked at the checkout registers all over the place. A very friendly English speaking pharmacist explained to me, that it was a flu remedy that Europeans had been using successfully for many years. Back then I could not find it in the U.S. but now you can buy it at WalMart!! I am never without it. Enjoy the birds, it's nice to be back.

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