Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Small Town Advantage

At times I find it hard living in a small town, but not today. Today my dentists sent me flowers...really! (my regular dentist AND my oral surgeon). Take that city life! Oh, and...I am choosing to believe I received flowers because I am a model patient...which I am. Thank you Dr.'s!! While I'm at it, big hugs to all you sweeties who sent loving vibes my way on Monday...gratefully received!!

....and, with a snoot full of dental work, just what have I been eating? I organized a spaghetti frittata last night that was pretty wonderful. It fit the "soft food only"requirement (doctor's orders)...but by no means was it a compromise! Use what you have in the fridge, add eggs, milk and cheese and it will be wonderful, I promise.


Leftover Spaghetti Frittata Surprise or What to Eat After a Grueling Day at the Dentist

2 TBL. olive oil
2 cups leftover cooked spaghetti
1 8 oz. package of fresh mushrooms sliced...any variety
1 small zucchini sliced thin
1/4 cup chopped onion
1 clove garlic diced
4 eggs
Splash of milk/half and half/fake milk...whatever you have
Feta cheese, crumbled

Set your broiler on high.
Beat the eggs, milk and some salt and pepper in a small bowl, set aside.

In an oven proof pan (I used my 10" iron skillet) heat the olive oil, sauté onion, garlic, zucchini, and mushrooms. If the sauté gets watery, drain some of the moisture out of the pan.
When vegetables are soft, add the spaghetti, stir, then turn down the heat to medium low, add the beaten egg/milk mixture. It should come close to covering the spaghetti. Do not stir...let the egg "set up" on the stove top for a few minutes.
When it looks like the egg is set, crumble the cheese on top and place the pan under the broiler until the top of the egg mixture is set and the cheese is hot and the spaghetti a little crispy.

I was shooting for quick and easy here. Use what you have, substitute vegetables, try a different cheese, add chopped herbs...just make sure you have enough moisture to come close to covering the spaghetti and enough oil so your frittata does not stick to the pan.
Add a side salad and a nice glass of red wine to cover all the food groups! Enjoy!

1 comment:

Maria Rose said...

Hope you are feeling well now.

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