Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I got on a roll with the terrarium project and decided to make one for a friend who is currently dealing with health issues. I wanted to create something cheery for her. I choose a cute dog figurine to live in her terrarium, found a container from Mexico...one with the cool air bubbles in the glass, and a very nice dichondra. Well...not so fast. To be kind, let's just say I am not very good at spacial relationships!! The plant was way too big for the container! So I decided to make an "out-terrium" using all the same elements!

I built the "out-terrium" using the same steps as a traditional terrarium. First, rocks for drainage, next, charcoal to keep it sweet, then a layer of sand to break up the solid color of the soil, the plant and then soil around the plant. A willow branch with a found butterfly for fun...AND tucked into the foliage....

...a cute surprise! A little pup on a leather lead :)

So much fun to make, and give!


Maria Rose said...

Terrariums are such great gifts! Now...did you coin the term "Out terrarium"?

Victoria said...

Yes I did!!;)

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